Sunday, October 31, 2010

10:17am November 1st

... and I've written a grand total of 1,010 words so far. Yes, I am pacing myself, but life is fairly busy of late, what with four kids.

Sadly, I'm not liking my novel. Writing from the point of view of a seven year old main character may have been the worst idea I ever had. *sigh*

Oh well, even if I restart from a different place in the timeline, the words still count.

At this point, I'm not feeling all that confident.


605 words so far, and I'm calling it a night. I finish up the 1095 remaining words throughout the day tomorrow.

Won't be pushing myself too hard this year.

I should be sleeping

I really should. 4 kids, under 5 and having to be up and about by 7:15am tomorrow, does not bode well on little sleep. But I will slog it out for at least an hour before I turn in, and hopefully still be human by tomorrow nights end.

Ah, the joys of November.

Breaking the story down

Okay, so I suppose I'd better get in a little bit of planning before Nano actually begins. I've only ever attempted nano on the fly once, and while it worked, I still have a half finished novel that's been filed away for the past five years.

So.... let's see....

Main character is Princess Sybilla Louise Adelaide Charlotte of Celle, otherwise known as Sybilla Lovelace. She was born in 1092 and dies in 1190. Whether her date of birth and date of death will have any bearing on the story remains to be seen.

She also has 5 brothers and 5 sisters. Only 5 of the 11 siblings possess magical talent, and she is one of the siblings that does not possess any talent.

Unknown to her, she is not of the human world, rather she is of Faerie. Which will probably explain her lack of magical talent. Or rather lack of magical talent in the eyes of the humans that surround her.

She also possesses a dragonling, a curious thing in that Dragons and Faerie have had a long standing of hatred amongst the two races.

In less than 4 hours...

...NaNoWriMo will begin for 2010. EEEK!

To say I'm unprepared would be an understatement.

My novel idea is vague, and I can basically sum it up as:

Sybilla Lovelace isn’t human, except she doesn’t know it. All her life she’s been raised as one of the many princesses of the Royal (human) House of Celle. And like so many of her siblings, a child without magical talent. Shipped away to a forgotten corner of the realm before she was 7. Instead, she really is a Princess, that was no lie, however she is the heir to the Faerie Throne and it is on her 16th birthday that they come knocking.